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Sunday, September 7, 2014

AXE - No te fíes del destino


  1. Do I rely on fate? Of course I do. I think that people are meant to live some experiences and to meet some people, for reasons I ignore. Perhaps it's for learn and be better people, but I must recognize I'm not sure about it. That is only what I hope.

  2. I believe in fate because I think we all have our fate written . For example when you meet a person and you, time after go back finding that person in a place where you never imagined that you could find he or she, that is the destiny.

    Laia Crespo

  3. I rely on the fate because I think that all things happen for a reason. If it happens a good or bad thing it's because there is something that makes it happen. In my opinion, the fate is better or worst depending on if you are a good or a bad person and on the things you do day by day.

  4. Personally, I rely on fate related on the events that affect us during our lives. I truly rely on the luck that each person has and that is the consequence of the actions we do and the way that we result our problems. I think this is the road to our fate so, the way we result our lives is the way we go to our fate. Everyone has got a fate so, that's why everyone answers in a different way. In conclusion, I rely on fate thought everyone's luck.

  5. I believe in fate, but I think it is written before we are born. And we perform all our actions for some fact, and even if we try to change the destination will always end the same.

  6. Yes, I rely on the fate, I think that things don't happen at random. For example, meet a person and to have many things in common with her or him, I don't think it's because of the chance but of fate. If something has to happen, will happen because of the fate.

    Andrea Merino Juanco, 2nd Batx - Bio

  7. Many times I ask this question to myself and I usually answer the same: you shouldn't believe on fate because you are the responsible to do whatever you like and ought to manage to get your dreams, neither nothing nor nobody will do anything for you.

  8. Want to know if I rely on fate?
    Absolutely yes! Our life is written from the time we are born until we die. People who don’t believe in destiny say we build our lives by our choices, but I say, if that were the case why we decided that disasters happen? And what's even more important if we could really decide what to do with our lives we should be able to see the future because you can’t decide on something you don’t know. So I'm quite sure that fate exists, and yes, unfortunately all our existence is written, but I believe that if at some point you decide to change your fate it will be possible, because nothing is impossible.

  9. Do I rely on the fate? Yes I do.
    All the good and bad things happen for a reason, the experiences in your life, the people you met or you will meet, etc. All these facts are written in our life’s book, where our life is written by the fate and we are the actors and actresses in this show.

    Marta Arranz Manchón 2nd Batx CCSS

  10. Yes, I rely on the fate because I think that all the things that happens, happens for a reason. I don't think that the destiny have a influence in all the aspects of our lives. I like to think that we have some power in our lives too but actually I think that there's something beyond our reason.

  11. I don’t relay on the fate. In my opinion I think that the things pass because your actions carry consequences and the people who relay on the fate are very superstitious. I rely on reality and not on the fate that are hard to believe in because you can’t see with your eyes.

  12. I don't rely on fate because I think that everything can't happen at random. I believe that the future of our lives will depend on our actions and it's true that sometimes there is something bad in our lives, but I think that it is caused by our wrong choices.

    Sergi Vàzquez 2nd Batxillerat Tecnològic

  13. The fate only marks some paths to follow, but really, are we who must decide which of these paths choose.
    Even so, I rely on fate, in fact, I like to rely on it, in my opinion everything happens for a reason, and this gives meaning to life. But honestly if I like to belive in fate is because it gives me security, especially when things are not going quite right.
    Always is good believe in something, is a human necessity.

    Angi Borràs----2nd Batx:Social

  14. I trust in fate and destiny, I believe that everything happens because it has to happen. I don't think that everything is already written but if everyone can go changing his destiny as time passes. In my opinion I think that if something has to happen to happen one way or another, and better or worse depending on how it acts each.

  15. I do believe in destiny. That we are destined to be in this world, to meet our soulmates somehow... But in my opinion is not enough just trust on miracles because it's up to us to follow our dreams and ambitions. Anyhow it gives us a magical feeling when we believe in things that we think are impossible such as destiny. There are many occurrences in our world we can't explain so why try to make an explanation of it. You just have to enjoy it and live it!

  16. Well, this is a very difficult topic. I rely on the fate but I think I am my fate's owner. With this I'm saying that we can make our own decisions but all of them have a consequence that is given by the fate. I think that all that happens is done for a reason, all happens for something. On the other hand I'd like to think that we can achieve our dreams although the fate doesn't want it.

  17. No, I really don’t rely on fate. I don’t think that our fate is written before we are born, but that we are the owners of our fate. We have the chance to decide each of our acts, and to choose the way we want to follow to finally reach our objectives. I think that there’s no force in this world strong enough that can make us take decisions to accomplish our fate without our being aware.
    Nevertheless, it’s true that our acts can be influenced by coincidences, like meeting someone who changes our mind about something, or by the actions of other people which are out of our control but that can modify our path in life.

  18. Rely or not rely on fate?
    In my opinion destiny really exists. Our future is already planned but we don't know how it will be. Every step we take is written in the story of our life before we take it. We can't change the fate because every change that we could make it's foretell.

  19. Yes, I rely on the fate. In my opinion, all the things that we live are written on our lifes for one reason. What's more, I would say that a lot of times we worry about bad things that could happen in our life and we try to look for solutions for if that things happen. I think that if one thing have to occur will occur so we shouldn't worry about nothing.

  20. This is a difficult question to answer but nowadays I don't believe in fate because I think that the things that happen to anyone are not written. All that happen to anyone depend of himself because you write your history and nobody else can take your decisions. In my opinion your life depends on the actions that you do at any time and all the things that happen to you like when you meet some people in places that are soo far away from when you usually see them it's not caused for fate, I believe that it's caused for coincidences of life. As far as I am concerned what I believe is that all the things that happen in our world are done by the spontaneous decisions that take people and that vdecisions ccan change the life of anyone at any time.

    Ignasi Sarria Sánchez, 2nd Batx-Tecno

  21. Maybe fate exists, but I don’t rely on it. Basically I feel that every decision we take on a second can change everything that comes later. The fact we choose one way or another, that’s what will decide our future. Besides of that, what other people choose for us have an effect in our lives, but it’s doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything for ourselves.
    In my opinion our futures are always changing, so there’s no fate written for us.
    Elena Peralta - 2n Batxillerat Social

  22. I have asked this question several times but always in the end I think the target is up to you and of course luck, but this response may have an answer do not think things happen if apparent reason, but because there is something either the destination or anything that leads to them i no one can prevent.

  23. I don't believe in fate. I think everyone things will happen because the plan it well. In my opinion the people who believe in destiny is because he is afraid of failure and therefore they think so.

  24. Yes, I'm sure, I believe in fate. A few years ago I didn't know whether to believe in destiny or not, but little by little you begin to realize things. If we were responsible of our fate, bad things would never happen to us, because if we choose our future, we would choose the best for us.For this reason I believe that if things happen, they are for some reason. In my opinion we are predestined to the love of our life, our job, our death... so our life is in hands of fate...

    Míriam Luna

  25. It's not that I don't believe in destiny, it's basically that I don't ask myself the reason of things, I think that if something happens it's just because, if you get run over a car it's probably either because you crossed without looking or because of the driver's lack of attention, I don't think we're destined to anything, we build our life with our everyday actions, which means, we write our own destiny. Noemí G

  26. I believe in fate because I think that everything that happens, happens for a reason. I believe that my destiny is already written and the bad things that happen to me, happen because something bigger than me obligates me to do them.

  27. Do you rely on fate?
    Obviously not, in my opinion the fate is the refuge of the cowards and the people that don't believe in himself. I think the fate doesn't exist, you create your own fate working hard. If you work your fate will be perfect because in this life nothing is written. In conclusion if the fate exist, do you think the life would be so funny and unexpected? I don't think so...

    Ferran Alias, 2n CCSS
