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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The price of gas and petrol increases each year, Barcelona is a polluted city. We must do something. Banning cars from the city center is a possible solution, but the only one? THINK ABOUT POSSIBLE ARGUMENTS TO AGREE WITH THIS EXTREME MEASURE.


  1. Well, I have thought about how to reduce the pollution of Barcelona and some ideas came to my mind promptly.
    The first one could be to use more the public transport. Nowadays our city has all kind of them: frome buses to bicycles, passig for subways, undergrounds, taxis...
    It's true that every year its price increase a little bit, but what you save from petrol and the maintenance of the car or moto you pay the tikets, and at the end it is more profitable.
    If you don't like public trasport and you have your own car, you can think of share you care with any mate. I mean you can find out anyone you know that make the same way to work or school than you, and come to and arrangement with him to use just one car, in order to reduce the traffic jam and the pollution, as well.
    If any of my previous ideas don't convince you, you can considere my last one option: you can walk everywhere. If you are lucky and you have your work or school, your home, and all the things you need to live, you can try to go walking everywhere. By this way you will reduce pollution, you will save money, and you will make sport. It's perfect!
    Those are my solutions to reduce the pollution of Barcelona, apart from banning cars from the city center as it says at the beggining.

  2. I definitely think that the best option is to ban the use of cars in the city center and promote the use of public transport, because with this extreme measure we will be able to avoid traffic jams especially at rush hours and we will also take care of the enviroment by reducing the high emissons of pollution that we are producing nowadays. So, despite being such an extreme measure I think all of us will take advantage of this solution.

    Andrea Corvo Garcia
    2n Batxillerat Humanístic

  3. In order to reduce the pollution of Barcelona I think that ban the cars of the city center can be a great measure. We must make aware people about how much polluted is the air of our city and they will understand this extremly measure. Despite the fact that the public services must arrive there as people can go to the centre by transport anyway. Also we can use the bycicle or the skate because it is a healthy way of moving. So all of uses of this alternative transports will become an effective measure for the planet.

    Judith Aguirrezabal,
    2n Batxillerat Bio

  4. With an environmental crisis looming over us, and much of it caused by carbon dioxide emissions, many people have started asking what we can do about it.
    Unfortunately, we live on a vehicle-dependent society. We use cars to get to and from our work, our schools, our friends and all basic amenities. We often don't think twice about taking our car one kilometre down the road instead of cycling or walking. What's more, to many, the car is a status symbol that defines our position in society. To ban the car completely from our society would be a huge shock and many people won't like it.
    On the other hand, think of the benefits. If there were no cars we would live free of air and noise pollution, traffic congestion, parking problems and dangerous accidents. Naturally, we would be forced to to live and work in a more local environment, but this would be good for our communities. We would walk, cycle or use public transport more and the potential benefits to our health and the environment are obvious.
    So maybe it's time we bit the bullet and answered, with the exeption of ambulances and the emergency services, yes, let's ban cars and look forward to a brighter future for us all.

  5. In my point of view the best option will be to ban the use of cars into the city center. We are concerned that Barcelona is a very polluted city although a number of people do things to reduce the air polution. In order to reduce it we have to ban the enter of cars in the city centers as in one hand we are going to reduce the traffic in rush hours an in other hand we will be able to reduce the noisy and air pollution. However, if we ban the cars we have to promote another alternatives transports like cycles or the public transport ( underground, bus etc.. )

    Oriol Arechinolaza
    2 de Batxillerat Social

  6. Barcelona, is a fully developed first world city, cars, bikes, and other vehicles are our every day landscape in the city. All these vehicles use something in common,that is polluting our cities,
    enviroment and everything around us. So, are there any measures we can take to fight to this modern poison??

    The answer is yes, despite the fact the car is now a days the most used vehicle, the first thing we need to do such a big change in the way me move around and we comunicate ourselfs, cars have changed our life and for some people, not using it can be a terrible unconvenient.Although some european cities have proven that the system works, a good example, is how the city of London treats this problem. Cars can only enter the city center if first the pay a fee to be able to drive around, and they can only do in certain zones of the center of London. So what does this effect actually creats??On the one hand, people for short trips will use alternative vehicles to move around like the subway, the bus or just walk or take your bike with you,and on the other hand, this will reduce traffic in the city center.So this proves that it is possible. Barcelona has taken the first steps into this direction, a good example of this,is the installment of bicing, a service that nowadays is totally essential for our mobility.

    The change is possible but the society has to change and you as well.

  7. A lot of people use the car every day in Barcelona to move to one side to the city to another one. However that execive use produce a lot of pollution.
    Some people think that banning cars from the city center is a possible solution. Nevertheless I think that there are better solutions than this one since I think that we need cars to move for Barcelona as is a big city.
    Some of them are made cheaper de bus tickets, give more grants who the people that buy electric cars, and made more bike lanes and made it more security.
    Helena Carbonero

  8. In my opinion ban cars from the city center is a good idea to reduce the polution, to achieve this we have to promote public transport and show to people that we can't continue this way. People have to understand that they have to use public transport or try to go walking to somewhere or go to places in a bike. We have to found alternatives and don't take the car.

  9. Barcelona it's a huge developed city where there are also a lot of polluting because of the transport. In it there are so many roads junctionpoints and the trafic jams trigger the necessity to increas the number of them. So that means that there is an increasing level of pollution because using cars means that you are using petrol and emiting dioxid carbon emissions that harm our enviroment. If we start thinking about solutions to stopped with this increasing pollutions levels we also it becomes up in our mine reduce the traffic tranport or star using more public vehicles to stop with rush hours, trafic jam, stops lisening in every minute a lot of car making noise whith their hooters or seeing people going to one place to the other shouting and becoming nervous. But sometimes that's not enough so another solution can be having only one car for family or using another kind of car like with solary engines or electric cars those which you can reload the battery in a special street machines. In spite of doing that the best option we had found is to banned cars. It has a lot os advantages like reducing mortal accidents, stop destroying the environment because a developed city it doesn't mind to be only a place full of buldings. Also it can be the beginning of a peaceful life

  10. From my point of view, we have to reduce the city pollution urgently. Increasingly people use car for everything they have to do or everywhere they go. I've thought about some measures. However the best option is to ban the cars in the city center. It's a good way to reduce the pollution, traffic and noise. As a result, tourist can walk quietly and visit the city center without problems.

    I hope that this mesure will be carried out!

  11. It is completely true. We breathe a lot of polluted air, and this, apart of disastrous consequences for our health, is bad for the environment as well. Furthermore to banning cars, government should boost the public transport, and scientists must invent electric cars that everybody could use. I think that it is a good form to finish with the pollution.

    Marta Fernàndez Pons

  12. Every measure to reduce the pollution it is better than doing anything. One of the best could be bannig cars from the city center because of reducing the most quantity of pollution of our city, but... don't you think this measure could be a little bit extremely.
    Probably to reduce pollution, specially with the cars, I think that is better to invent some new kind of cars, like electric cars, which can pollute so much less. However, there are a lot of measures to try to reduce the pollution of our city.

    Talking from my point of view, I agree, probably, with all the possible measures to reduce it beacause of having a better world.

    Sergio Alvarez Moreno
    2n Batx Social

  13. Rubén Valverde LunaJanuary 31, 2013 at 9:05 AM

    Apparently Barcelona is quite polluted. There are many people and most of them have their own vehicle, whether a car a motorbike ... With so many vehicles, there is much pollution, because each of these vehicles pollute far.
    Regarding the solution given above, that is not to use these vehicles to go to the city center, it seems right. In a city like Barcelona, you do not need your own car, public transport is full, either the subway, bus, tram ... Any of these public transportation can take you anywhere you want for Barcelona. Another idea that I recommend, is to increase the number of electric and hybrid vehicles in the city. This would improve in pollution, yet we would save enough money on the consumption of our vehicles.
    I think with these two measures, we have more than enough to reduce pollution, but how difficult will be to everyone according to reduce air pollution.

    Rubén Valverde Luna
    2n Batxillerat Tecnològic.

  14. In my point of view, baning all the cars can be a great option, but doing it without any other action can make the city became a disaster. Actually there's so many people and bussiness that depends of cars, so I think there have to be a better idea. I think there's a projecte which could probably work better. It is about making to all the cars that want to enter to Barcelona pay for a fee, and the before the enter make great and big parkings to make the people park there and use alternative transport instead of cars. For example If we make parkings near underground station or a bus station, people can take it, so we can reduce the pollution in Barcelona. I think that's a good way to became a more ecological city!

    Gerard Casas Saez

  15. The prohibition of the use of the car in the center of the city would be a good non-polluting measure, also another possible measure the increase of bicing stations that often aren't available in a station, and in that case the person who has to move around Barcelona has a problem if he has to walk because the buses in many cases have a difficult schedule.

  16. How we can see every day in our city, Barcelona is a very polluted city. We must do something to solve it.
    Some people think that banning the cars in the city center would be the best option. But there's no more possibilities? personally, I think that there are a lot of better options that we can do and probably would be less problematic. For example, we could try to do more bike lines to facilitate the people arrive to the place where thay want to go or we can also try to expand the tube to new destinations.
    What's clear is that we must do something.

  17. I agree with the measure of ban cars from the city center because it would be a good way to obligate people to use public transport and others like bikes or skates. Moreover it could be a nice oportunity to work harder in develop of alternative energy sources.

    As for as I am concerted that it's a good idea to reduce the pollution and the problems that it makes.

  18. Barcelona is such a quite polluted city. We should do something to reduce the CO2 emissions and other pollutants.
    Some of this solution can be: Use frequently the bycicle, to recycle or to ban the cars from city centres, as well. This last one is the most radical measure that a city can take. For this reason I don't think it's a good idea. Some people are not willing to go walking to their job only for reduce the pollution and I think that they would complain about this ban.
    There are lots of measures and things to do to reduce the pollution. However I think that it's too extreme as to bring it into force.

    Pau Longán Gasol
    2n Batxillerat Biològic

  19. In my opinion ban the cars may be a good option but not the best because of the employment. Al lot of people have to drive to arrive at their jobs and ban the cars might create a chaotic city. I think the best option to reduce the pollution is increase and promove the use of electrics cars or public transport so that we can arrive to our jobs or schools but not pollute as a classic car.

    He have to do something and save ohr city, our country and our world against the pollution!

    Francisco Martin

  20. From my point of view, banning the cars is a extremly solution from this problem. I am agree with this solution because the trafic at the city center produce pollution and very noise too. For this reason, I thing that the politicians have to stimulate people to take the public transport with a little present. For example, every ten tickets of public transport they have to give us one free, or something like this.

  21. To prevent pollution in cities, we must regulate the movement of cars. Due to the production of more and more CO2 pollution and you can feel the atmosphere and the air is not pure, as when you go to the mountain. I think we should use more public and less trasnport utility cars or motorbikes. However there are also cities that use bicycles to be transported to the city and this also means that if there are no cars or public transport, be more fun to go with them and also for better security but mostly people avoid gas emissions caused by cars. Therefore a measure would reduce car traffic and increase the bikes.

  22. Angel Miranda MosqueraJanuary 31, 2013 at 11:41 AM

    In my opinion, it could be one of the best options to stop the pollution in the city center. In spite of the fact that pollution is a big problem, Barcelona must use cars because the number of habitants is so big. Most of them might go to work, and they can't use always transport if it's complete. However the bad services, transports are good and fast, but there aren't enought for everybody. I think pollution is one of the worst things in the world, but cars are necessary in a city like barcelona, where everybody needs move!

  23. The justification of the people in the use of cars is:Driving cars could be fast, and therefore I should drive a car. But when millions of people in town all think the same and consequently acting the same. Cars are everywhere,a short distance take a long time: people get stuck in cars, wasting fuels, polluting the environment.
    By having the ban, we become more environmental friendly by both saving the energy and cutting cost.
    And less cars, and less spending money for roads. Then there will be more money for a others demand more importants:education,health,etc.

    Mar Escrig Benavent

  24. In my opinion banning the cars from the city center is a very good solution. You reduce the pollution and furthermore you reduce the traffic.
    Nevertheless I think that public transports are very expensive, and as far as I am concerned if there are cheaper more people will use them.
    However you could go cicling or walking, and you also do excesise.
    Carlota Carbonero

  25. I'm agree on this topic, because in my opinion I think that in all the cities of the world are so contaminated, and this is so bad for humans and even for all the planet, becouse this make
    improve the climate change. I know that in this times is impossible to banned the cars in the city becouse they are so importan in all of our lives, so in my opinion as we can not banned the cars in the city we have to take the bus, the underground or other public transport becouse if we do it we improve the quality of our lives.

  26. We must re-create cities greener and more sustainable from the ground up. compact living environments requiring less resources that maximize utilization of land, water and energy.

    Núria Bolao i Cano
    2n batx. CCSS

  27. I think that the best option for reduce the pollution in Barcelona is ban the cars which work with gas and petrol, use more bicycles for the people and use an electric cars also. We must do something and that is a good option. In that moment Barcelona is passing a difficult moment because it have a lot of pollution and is urgent to act for our city. I hope if we do that, we can reduce the pollution in Barcelona and have better life.

    Adrià Solé

  28. In my point of view, the pollution is a very big problem because this is breaking the world. The cars produced a lot of black pollution and the people use it for do anything, we are abusing of this as a result is a big hole in the ozone layer. I think that we have some measures. I think the best option to solve the problem is change the oil motor but an electric motor and before we buy o use a car, we will have thank the repercussion in our environment.

    Hector Alonso Lazaro

  29. In my opinion banning cars it's agood solution but we have to think that it's almost difficult. It's not fair that every year the price of the petrol and the gas increases but there's a possible solution to resolve this.
    Nowadays there are electric cars and they don't need petrol or gas. I think that electric cars are the future of the transport because apart of what I said they don't produce pollution.
    In brief, I think that the electric cars can be a good solution now and in our future life.

    Alba Fernández
    2 Batxillerat Social

  30. I think there are a lot of arguments to agree with these extreme mesure. Firstly, as the city center is usually where the tallest buildings are located, they accumulate more pollution and there are always a lot of people walking there, so it can be bad for their health. Also, tourists visit that part of the city and they would probably feel more comfortable without all the smoke and noise that cars make.
    Moreover, I think that bannig cars from the city centre would stimulate the use of public transport, and the city would be more rich while helping the environment. In addition, accidents would be reduced because of the minor number of cars and the less traffic jam.
    I think there are a lot of possible solutions to the pollution problem, and if a mesure has some advantages, in my opinion it should be, at least, tried.

    Elisabet Capella
    2n Bat Científic

  31. To my mind, now it's next to imposible to do a global change as things are. The majority of the population have between one or two private transports, and this is one of the main reasons of the pollution in our environment. However, there are more causes as, factories, chemicals... And we can't live without all this things. Therefore I think that the solution is into the hands of scientists,they are the people who have to change the world.

    Marc Debuen

  32. In my opinion, cars should be restricted from town centres but only during peak hour. It would be impossible to ban cars completely because they are such an essential part of modern city living, however the problems of pollution and traffic congestion must be reduced.
    On the other hand they ought to use the public transportation such as bus, bicycle... this can help save gas and money.
    Moreover some cities have already advised their residents to wear gas masks when they venture into the streets.
    So I think to really bring about change, humans have to change their attitude toward cars.

  33. The utilization of means of transport at Barcelona is so extensive that we realized every day that Barcelona center contaminates more and more without found any solution.
    Personally, I believe that we are be accustomed to use the vehicle or motorcycle to get to and from our school, mall´s and our job, that we don´t see possible measures to stop using the car. On the one hand, the ban of vehicles from city centers must be a good solution to reduce a part of the pollution, since most of the emission gas affected the cap of ozone. Our health may be affected too. On the other hand, the ban of vehicles would make loss the economic for those who are beneficiary of oil revenues. It would mean the opposition of the big vehicles company´s and the opposition of our society.
    I think that, think that another way to reduce pollution would be using bicycles and rollers, because it would mean having a non-polluted and fresh environment instead having a polluted one. Reducing environmental impacts and health problems would be another benefit as well.
    As a conclusion if we start riding bicycles more often instead cars or any transport involved in pollution it would be healthier for everybody especially for those with lung diseases and similar. Furthermore, our environment would be better.

    Gabriela Saboya Peña
    2nd Batxillerat Cientific

  34. In my opinion this is one of the best ideas to recude the pollution in our city and decrease the emissions of carbon dioxide to protect the enviroment. Moreover, I think that everybody have to become aware of the damage that is doing to the atmosphere the pollution emitted by cars. So if the cars were banned from city centers, the emissions of carbon dioxide would decrease slowly and gradually. However, until the people weren't aware of the situation where we are, it couldn't take any sufficient measures to reduce pollution and carbon dioxide emissions. Congluding, I believe that ban the cars in city centers should be a good idea and would be perfect for the pedestrians as well.

  35. In my opinion to ban the cars in the cities will be definetly so difficult, all people needs a car to do her jobs, but nowadays we have a lot of kind of transports that they don't make pollution like the cars so we can use bycilcles, buses,in general the public transports.From my point of view I think that these measure will be very usefull for the enviornment, to reduce the pollution, but at the same time it is very hard to make realease this important measure.
    Mariam Jaber

  36. I don't think we have to ban cars in the centre of Barcelona. What we should do is trying to reduce the use of cars and provide public transport more often. Is quite difficult to ban cars in the centre of the city, because there is people who need his car to arrive at time to work and they have to pass through the centre. Another thing that could be quite a good solution is to make hibrid vehicles, because at slow speed they use electric energy, but it doesen't depend on us to make these cars, it is up to the cars companies.

    Toni Ferrer

  37. I totally agree with banning the movement of cars through the city as they are highly polluting in various fields such as the environment, and also causes noise pollution.
    Obviously Would also reduce accidents, with removing car use and encourages more public transportation or other transportation cleaner.

    I hope you think like me!

    Aleix Peñaranda
